
Featured Courses

Foundations Course 1

Foundations is where it all begins. In the early weeks of this program we focus on usingyour own body weight while mastering the basic fundamentals of functional fitness. Movements such as squats, lunges, push ups, rows, bracing and basic stretch patterns are repeated each workout to build familiarity and muscle endurance.

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Foundations Course 2

Progress to the next level and secure your foundation with focus on using your own body weight while mastering the basic fundamentals of functional fitness. Movements such as squats, lunges, push ups, rows, bracing and basic stretch patterns are repeated each workout to build familiarity and muscle endurance.

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Strength 1:
8 Week Course

 The strength program is your second level of physical training. We will increase intensity, load and mobility exercises as milestones are met. Exercises such as Turkish get ups, thrusters, kettlebell swings, racked squats and pull ups will lead the way through this 12-16 week program.  Best for intermediate athletes to start here before graduating into my Athlete program.

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Strength 2:
12 Week Course

Your next step in preparation for the elite tiered Athlete course. This critical course builds strength with exercises such as Turkish get ups, thrusters, kettlebell swings, racked squats and pull ups will lead the way through this 12-16 week program.  Best for intermediate athletes to start here before graduating into my Athlete program.

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Athlete 1:
6 Month Course

No stone will be left unturned as we work through a twelve month, five workouts per week program. Exercises such as back squats, deadlift, bench press and cleans will be the primary compound lifts as we together rediscover our new identity through fitness.
Heightened effort, focus and consistency is all you need to maintain the elite status of becoming a true All Terrain Athlete.

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Athlete 2:
12 Month Course

You've reached peak performance! Exercises such as back squats, deadlift, bench press and cleans will be the primary compound lifts as we together rediscover our new identity through fitness.
Heightened effort, focus and consistency is all you need to maintain the elite status of becoming a true All Terrain Athlete.

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